Great song. Love it.
Absolutely head bobbling.
Great song. Love it.
Absolutely head bobbling.
Thanks! :D
It clips
The volume is a tad loud. Guitar is good, drums good, just too loud. great!
I know.. Im a noob at recordings (: Thank you for the review!
Best use of cardboard ever?
I think so.
What about cardboard airplanes? HMMM?
You happen to be 10. You are way offbeat.
Lyrics suck.
You stammer on swear words.
NO meaning to your songs.
Back beat is terrible. Like 4 beats over and over.
the meaning is fuck you
one thing
The first chord should be a minor, NOT A MAJOR
First, in order for me to respond to your pm's, i have to be on your contact list for some reason. k? Do that.
The song, needs better mixing, otherwise it is good. What program?
sure, your on contact list now. Sorry, I didn't know, I haven't been on NG for a while and this shit changes like 5 times a year. Also, keep in touch with me on aim. My screename is TheSymbolMaster.
I do all my songs on FL Studio.
I really like this one. Hats show through, the closed ones start to get annoying. Some clipping, on piano. I like the lead, it could have used something more drawn out and not so fast, as it's meant to be beautiful with the singing angels thing. Thats what I got. I like the beat, kick, everything else.
i tried so hard to get rid of the piano clipping, but yeah i guess i there still might be some in there
sad face
anyways thanks for review
Bass galore... I love how theres bass and holy crap 1:55. Beautiful. THis is pro. I love all the little touches that Id be too lazy to do. Would be good for the 10 sec electrohouse competition. Too bad... Love it. Props and costumes.
Thanks alot man. :] The Drop at 1:55 is my favourite part of the song too. :P
It's... um...
I like the creative part of this... but a lot does not sound good. Lots of notes clash. Freally. Tons of random notes.
Really? They sound random to you?
I made sure that all of the notes were on a scale, but... do you think you could give me some examples of what you didn't like? I don't think that there were ever too many notes at a time. I admit that the ending could have definitely used more work though.
I like the bass thing
It's nice, i'd like it in ambient section though. But it works, I love the bass. Good job. It flows. Sinister.
We are lost in an unknown place, far away from the human race.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 4/17/09